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The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf Review – Is It Legit?


The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf REVIEW


The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf Created by Joe Dante 

The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf is a new breakthrough golfing results improvement program



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FULL REVIEW OF The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf

Do you wish to find out more about The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf is it true that it can provide members with almost instant improvements in their golf game through learning only a few moves? When first published, this program radically changed the way many players thought about the golf game and continues to do so today. It is a legendary golf instructional program that many golfers have added to their arsenal and gotten great benefits from. This is what Gary Wiren, the author of the New Golf Mind has to say about this instructional: “Thirty years ago I was recommending Joe Dante’s book The Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf as a must-read for aspiring PGA professionals. What Dante said in ’62 has influenced many of the game’s finest teachers.  Dante was a visionary.”

What Are The Main Skills Taught By The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf?

Dante’s system has provided golfers with one of the most comprehensive swing mechanics programs that have ever been published in our opinion and the opinions of many golf experts. It revealed the secrets of how to improve one’s game and how simple it really is when done right. Dante’s program has also helped golfers get rid of all the harmful misconceptions that are holding back their game, which is why many golfers are amazed at how quickly their game has improved almost immediately. Even after 33 years since its original publication date, this program is still one of the best learning and improvement resources when it comes to golfing. As Dante puts it, “If good golf is to be learned and the poor player is to improve, a purging must take place, painful as it may be.”

Review Verdict: The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf is a legitimate program that works

Visit The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf Website

Some Of The Testimonials From The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf:

**  A More Compact Swing Produces Longer Drives  ** “I have seen improvements in my swing ie longer in my drives, iron play is longer and straighter. My overall swing looks better as I used to overswing. It is more compact now.” Thanks – Balbinder Singh

**  23 Handicapper Drops 5 Strokes  ** “I Love the audio. I listen to it over and over again and every time another bell rings. It has allowed me to go through The New Four Magic Moves a second and third time now and with every review, outcomes (what I will call) a new pointer. Thank You” Al Lott, Australia

**  It Is Quite Amazing The Progress I Have Made  ** “Hi, Just received your new version, it looks great. I have been practicing, and it is quite amazing the progress I have made using your instruction, it really helped when I got rid of all the rubbish I had in my head about the golf swing. Respectfully yours” William Hodge – UK

**  Four Strokes Off My Handicap In Two Months  ** “Thank you! After a few short hours of reading your book and listening to the audio files, I knew the exact changes I had to make to my swing. In the last two months, I have knocked four strokes off my handicap.” D Wilson – Melbourne Australia

**  I Immediately Started To See Drastic Changes  ** “I can confidently say that without fear of a lie that your book is the best coaching manual I have read. Your writing is effective and easy to understand. Over the last four months, I have seen my handicap drop by 8 strokes, down to 9.8!” H Todd – Atlanta GA

**  This Is An Amazing Book!  ** “I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the Four Magic Moves on the way to work. It was both entertaining and informative. Over a few short days, I was able to understand the 4 key moves I needed to make to my swing.” E Allen – San Antonio Tx

**  The Ultimate Golfing Masterpiece!  ** “This is the miracle book golf tuition course I have been searching for all my golfing life. You can take all the countless golf books, courses, magazines, video, and DVDs I have bought over the years – and bin them – they just don’t come close to the impact the four magic moves has made on my game.” D T Grant – Dundee, Scotland

**  Amazing – I’m Gaining A Club Extra Distance ** “The course has helped improve my ball striking. The one that probably helped most is the first magic move whilst starting the back swing, I have gained enough distance, for example, to where I currently hit an 8 iron where I was hitting a 7 iron (150 yards). I’m 62 years old and will be 63 in December, and I think hitting an 8 iron 150 yards is pretty darn good for this old geezer. Thanks!” C Walker – Chicago, IL

**  The Best Thing That Has Ever Happened To My Game!  ** “Being busy with work and family, I only get to play a few times a year. My game has been steadily getting more and more erratic. Using the Four Magic Moves described in your excellent book has enabled me to improve my game, even though I’ve virtually no practice time! It’s amazing, well done, and thank you.” T Jenkins – Oxford UK

**  I Have NEVER Hit The Ball Straighter Or Longer  ** ” I can honestly say that your golf book has been extremely helpful. After years of being plagued by a slice, your grip tips have been a revelation. The relief of cracking the ball and seeing it flying straighter and further is a great Many thanks. Regards Colin” C Craig – Montrose, Scotland

** I’ve Developed a Highly Confident Swing!  ** “My confidence is sky high and only last week I broke 80 for the first time in my life! It’s all thanks to “The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf”. I no longer have to waste my money on any more golf instruction. I shudder to think what would have happened if I hadn’t discovered this gem. Thanks!” A J Jennings – Plymouth

** The Book Fixed My Severe Overswing Problem! ** “I can’t believe I’ve never heard of this book. I own nearly 100 golf instruction books, but I’ve never run across this one. Dante’s advice regarding the early backward wrist break seems ridiculous at first, but, incredibly, it seems to fix my most nagging problem: a severe overswing that leads to a breakdown of my left arm and the club dipping far below parallel. The position at the top is strong, tight, and controlled, characteristics I’ve been trying to find for a long time. Thanks for posting this.” Byrd – No Location Given

** Magic Backward Wrist Works! ** WOW! The early backward wrist break has really worked for me. I have only been able to hit short irons so far, all dead straight. Thank you. Karl, No Location Given

** I Was Skeptical… Till I Tried it!! ** Skeptical about the wrist break….till I tried it !!! Will definitely keep using the early wrist break it produces great strikes! Don’t know why it works, it just does… go against all my previous instructions…but it works!! Ronnie, No Location Given

** Couldn’t Believe it Till I Tried it! ** Thanks for the excellent instruction details. Couldn’t believe it till I tried it – norm. Norman Evans, No Location Given

** Great Difference To My Game!! ** Hey, this is really great! Ben using this new swing for a few weeks now, and it's made a huge difference to my game. I have got rid of that horrible high slice I had, and the ball is usually straight now, or with a slight draw. People comment on how it looks strange, and it has to be wrong! But the results are what counts huh. Cheers, AJ (, NZ )

** Instructions Feel Great At Home, Can't-Wait To Try It!!** I just cannot wait to try out this instruction….two more days to the weekend… have been trying it out at home and it feels very great… quite comfortable… But, No Location Given

How Can You Get Started With The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf Program?

This program is fully accessible online immediately upon subscription, and can then be printed into hard copy should you wish to. It also covers both left and right-handed players, so you do not have to worry even if you are a left-handed player Without the right guidance or training, many golfers stay on their way towards a losing golfing career without knowing why.

This is why learning from a good training resource like Dante’s system is something that every serious golfer who wants to practice correctly should certainly get. Hence, if you too would like to start changing your golfing life for the better and be on your way towards halving your handicap in the fastest time possible, then we highly recommend you to learn more about The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf Program at the button link below!

Review Verdict: The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf is a legitimate program that works

Visit The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf Website

Consumer Fraud Alert Regarding The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf

The success of The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own fake programs in its name. This is a big issue as many customers have lost their money in joining such fake sites. It is advised that customers should be really careful when they are joining and should do some research before they join from any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf, yet the write-up is completely garbage and unreadable as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid joining from any other site other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only join the site from the official website here – (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate program.

The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf Preview: (to pause the video, simply tap/click on it) 

Thanks for reading this Blog.




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