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Would you love to learn how to sketch...

Would you love to learn how to sketch...

in a fun quickly as possible?

Are you searching for the perfect book that teaches you how to sketch? If you are frustrated by books bogged down in too much theory, then this book is your answer!

I enjoy studying old art books written long ago. After years of research, I felt that I must share all this valuable information with you because it really is the legacy left to us by past artists.

It's All In One Book...

Essential instructions have been gathered together and condensed into one easily accessible version - saving you hours of trawling through numerous books!

This book has everything you need to learn the basics of drawing and sketching ...and it's here now!

How is it different?

The how to sketch guide is unique because it explains the simple concept of sketching based on my own study, experience, and progress.

Plus, all the hard work has been done for you, I've collected years and years of fantastic tips and tricks and they're all together in this one guide!

buy this book right now!


Why Should You Get This Book?

It is of little use to sketch until you have some real knowledge that guides you, principles that help you to sketch intelligently.

Fortunately, after much digging, I found good, clear directions on how to sketch, and now it gives me great satisfaction when I see that I can produce what I visualize. I share all of this information with you, there are no secrets in this house!

What You'll Learn in this Book:

(Every chapter is stacked with diagrams, examples, and illustrations.)

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Chapter 1: Sketching With Pencil

Of course, you can use any medium, but this guide's focus is on pencil so you're not procrastinating over which medium to use before you start.

Chapter 2: Materials


A brief explanation of the few things required.

Chapter 3: Applying the pencil


The difference between drawing and sketching is sometimes blurred so we discuss that here plus some exercises on how to limber up and get ready.

Chapter 4: Quality of Pencil Strokes


Tactics you employ to get the best-looking sketches.

Find out first what the medium can do, and then learn to do it expressively as you sketch.

Chapter 5: Direction of Strokes


Taking small steps, we start with the simplest way to put down a sketch.

Chapter 6: Character of Strokes


Building on what you learn in the previous chapter, you start to create more interest in your sketches.

Chapter 7: Grouping of Strokes


Ideas to further enhance your sketches by revealing which indicators will guide you.

Chapter 8: Measure with a pencil


The secret to proportion - a technique that you'll use for life.

Once you know this tip, your sketches will always be true.

Chapter 9: Sketching Buildings

Examples and ideas of easy ways you can sketch buildings of any kind.

Chapter 10: Sketching Foliage

guidelines and illustrations for the best way to recreate nature on paper.

Chapter 11: Sketching Animals

The tips and tricks for sketching animals.

Chapter 12: Sketching The Figure

We discuss reducing this complicated subject to its simplest form.

Chapter 13: Light, Shade, and Shadows

Delving into the important aspects of light and shade, you learn how to work it into your creations.

Chapter 14: Sketching Exercises

Fun and easy exercises that introduce more speed into your work.

Also, for your convenience, there's a Glossary included at the end of the Sketching Book which gives the meanings of common art-related words.

buy this book right now!



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